Human Resources Committee

Terms of Reference



  1. To provide assurance to Senate and/or Council that the University’s People operations have the capability to deliver all required services, are fit for purpose and are aligned with best practice for the sector.
  2. To make recommendations to Council, on the receipt of advice from the appropriate negotiating and consultative sub-committees, concerning the terms and conditions of service of employees of the University.
  3. To ensure that HR and OD practices align with equity, diversity and inclusion best practice and with the University’s aspirations as set out in the Strategic Plan and by the EDI Committee.
  4. To consider reports and recommendations from the Ethics Committee.
  5. To receive minutes and annual effectiveness reviews, from all HRC Sub-Committees.

Decision making and other duties

  1. To ensure that all appointments of members to HRC sub-committees and appeal bodies as necessary are appropriate.
  2. To oversee the development of the HR strategy, Including all matters relating to the recruitment, reward, retention, motivation and development of the University’s staff, recommending changes as appropriate to Senate and/or Council.

Standard duties

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.
  5. To set up and oversee sub groups of the committee and to commission reports from these sub groups as necessary to assist the Committee in its duties, and to produce terms of reference for these groups.