
Centre for Productivity and Performance


Professor Monica Giulietti BA Economics and Politics (Bologna), MSc Economics (Warwick), PhD Economics (Warwick)

Photo of Professor Monica Giulietti

Professor of Microeconomics

The economic analysis of energy consumption and energy markets; competition and regulation issues in energy markets; energy storage technologies; consumers脮 adoption of energy efficient technologies

Monica joined the School of Business and Economics in August 2015, having previously worked at the Universities of Warwick, Nottingham, Aston and Exeter. She has published in international journals such as the Economic Journal, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, Energy Journal and Energy Economics. She has had conducted research work for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Energy Retail Association, Which?, Western Power distribution, and Platts and has received funding from the EPSRC, ESRC and the Levehulme Trust. 

Monica’s research focuses on the economic analysis of energy consumption and energy markets, and competition and regulation issues in energy markets. Her research also covers energy storage technologies and consumers’ adoption of energy efficient technologies. 

Member of management committee Network of Industrial Economists

Associate Editor Journal of Industrial and Business Economics

Giulietti, M., Iregui, A. M. and J. Otero (2015), ‘A pair-wise analysis of the law of one price: evidence from the crude oil market’, Economics Letters, Vol.129, April, pp.39-41.

Giulietti M, Waterson, M. and M. Wildenbeest (2014), ‘Estimation of search friction in the UK electricity market’, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 62, No.4, December, 555-590.

Jarzabkowski P., Giulietti, M., Oliveira, B. and N. Amoo (2013), ‘We don’t need no education’ – or do we? The impact of management education upon alumni adoption of strategy tools, Journal of Management Inquiry, editor’s choice article, 22, 1, January, 452-472.

Wlazlowski, S., Binner J., Giulietti M. and C. Milas (2012), ‘Measurement error in the Price Transmission Analysis’ Journal of Business and Economic Statistic, 30, 2, pp. 165-172.

Giulietti M., Waddams Price C. and M. Waterson (2005), ‘Consumer Choice and Competition Policy: a study of the UK Energy Markets’, Economic Journal, N.115, October, 949-968.