
This calendar provides information about:

  • Accelerator Funding deadlines and review meeting dates
  • 新澳门彩历史开奖记录 Clinics in your school or department
  • Other related training and events

Venues and times may change, so please bookmark and visit this section regularly for updates.

Impact Accelerators

Accelerator funding is available to support academic staff, research staff and research students in creating impact from their work. Visit our Accelerator funding pages to find out more.

The monthly submission deadlines and corresponding meeting dates for the Impact & Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation Accelerators are listed below.  Meetings for the Policy Impact Accelerator will be arranged in line with demand.

Please note: As the Accelerator Funding is very competitive, it may not always be possible to guarantee space for a particular meeting or next scheduled meeting.

新澳门彩历史开奖记录 Clinics and Drop-ins

The Clinics and Drop-in sessions give School staff the opportunity to meet with relevant colleagues from the 新澳门彩历史开奖记录 Office to discuss planned or existing research and innovation projects.

AACME drop-ins

Every Wednesday, 9.30am–12.30pm
Chemical Engineering (S Building, S.2.10)
Open to all AACME colleagues
Talk to Sarah Helmore about your planned or existing research and innovation projects – including engagement with external partners for consultancy, contract or collaborative research – as well as the funding opportunities available to you. No need to book – but if you would like to make an appointment, email Sarah.

Other related training and events

Information about upcoming training opportunities for research staff is available on our Research support webpages.