Dr Jutta Vinzent

IAS Annual Theme: Time

Max Weber Kolleg, Erfurt, Germany; University of Birmingham

Jutta Vinzent specialized in modern and contemporary art. She focused on issues of migration and mobility with a particular emphasis on art and curatorial practices in historical perspective to challenge fixed notions of art.

She had published on the curating of modern art (The London Gallery, The Modern Art Gallery, both London), global migration (of ‘degenerate’ artists), Constructivism (Gabo, Moore, Hepworth), performance art (Abramovi膰, Kim) and photography (Ajamu, Levine, Beecroft). Latterly, Vinzent had become intrigued by qualitative and quantitative network theories and methods and how they can offer new avenues to explain the relationship between art and society and to illustrate the mobility of art.

Sadly, Dr Vinzent passed away in November 2021.