Dr Marwan Darweish

IAS Spotlight Series: Pacifism and Nonviolence

Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University

Dr Marwan Darweish is Associate Professor in Peace Studies and joint the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR), Coventry University in 2009. Director of the MA in Peace and Conflict Studies and the Post Graduate Certificate Course in Conflict Resolution Skills from 2010-16, Coventry University. Supervised 13 PhD students to successful completion. His research focuses on nonviolent resistance, peacebuilding, cultural heritage and resistance.

He has worked across the Middle East and East Africa and has a special interest in Israel and the Palestinians and has considerable international experience in leading training courses and facilitation in conflict transformation and peacebuilding, and in undertaking consultancies for several international and local organisations. He has experience working with civil society partners, governmental and non-governmental organizations; with community driven initiatives as well with multi-donor funded programs. He conducted a number of large and small research projects for local NGOs and INGOs, governments and EU on the themes of conflict transformation, peace and reconciliation, nonviolence, conflict and development.

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