Professor Isao Tanaka

IAS Annual Theme: AI:Facts, Fictions, Futures

Kyoto University, Japan

Professor Isao Tanaka received his B. Sc. from Kyoto University and his Ph.D. from Osaka University. He is actively working in the field of first principles calculations and data-centric science with special interests on application of the state-of-the-art theoretical tools for issues in materials science and engineering.

In parallel to the theoretical works, he shows leading edge activities also in experimental works to characterize the nano/micro-structures of materials using atomic resolution electron microscopy and advanced synchrotron facilities. He published 424 peer-reviewed papers with total number of 21,565 citations and h-index of 65, according to ISI Web of Science (recorded at 16/07/2021). He is editor of 5 books and inventor of 16 patents. Full publication list :

His research field includes but not limited to the following subjects: 1) Data-centric approaches in materials science 2) Statistical thermodynamics of ceramic materials 3) Materials science of energy conversion devices 4) Fundamental issues of structural materials 5) Design and characterization of advanced oxides, nitrides and related materials

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