
Careers Network

Students from diverse backgrounds

Careers Support for LGBT+ students

The University understands that LGBT+ students can face different barriers and challenges which can affect you in many areas of your life, including your career. To ensure we can best support you, on this page we have put together a number of resources with useful information.

Appointments and advice

Careers Network is committed to encouraging and empowering all students and graduates to reach their personal best in their personal and professional life. Our Careers Consultants and careers staff are trained to give impartial and non-judgemental tailored information, advice and guidance on your individual needs.

Each year in February for LGBT+ History Month, Careers Network work in collaboration with the LGBT Association to host an alumni career discussion panel titled, "Being LGBT+ in the workplace". To book to attend this event, please go to Target Connect.

Resources available

: Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law. They have a guide to support anyone concerned about sexual orientation discrimination.

: A City law graduate recruitment initiative for LGBT+ candidates.

: the Helpline advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales.

Gay Business Association: The GBA was originally formed in 1983 as a trade association to fight the inequalities we faced from hostile authorities. Working with other groups they have won legal equality, and today the GBA is a modern-day gay chamber of commerce.

: Inside & Out is designed to help LGBTQ+ students, who are graduating in either 2021 or 2022, develop an understanding of the investment banking sector while addressing any concerns you may have in relation to being LGBTQ+ in the workplace.

: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM), Inc. non-profit professional association for LGBTQ people in the STEM community. oSTEM empowers LGBTQ people in STEM to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy.

: is a lobbying and legal support organisation for Trans people in the UK.

: Part of Stonewall, Proud Employers is a job search website, and aims to help candidates find roles with organisations committed to true diversity and inclusion for their employees.

: Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain. They have created a number of resources with useful information regarding inclusive employers and supporting LGBT+ people with any concerns they have regarding entering the workplace.

  1. – this guide provides tips for identifying inclusive employers, stories of inspirational LGBT role models and insights into a wider range of sectors.
  2. - this ranks the top 100 inclusive employers. Please see the links below for employers split by sector.

Target jobs: has some useful information for all diverse groups and includes information for LGBT+ students too.

: Founded in 2006, The Diversity Group was set up, with the aim of eliminating barriers within employment, education & training for diverse groups throughout the UK. It provides advice and support as well as advertising jobs. (by The Diversity Group): a league table of the most inclusive employers in the UK that shines a light on best practice across all strands of diversity – age, disability, gender, LGBT, race, faith and religion.