
Careers Network

Become your Personal Best

We are also working in a world where an organisation鈥檚 quest for profit may be having damaging effects on the planet and people. An an employee, it is your responsibility to act with integrity and take steps towards making your role and working environment sustainable and inclusive for all.

Global Diversity

We are increasingly working in a global marketplace across borders, both physically and digitally through online spaces, with people from a variety of backgrounds. The ability to understand different people’s perspectives and respect their beliefs is a very important skill to have both in the workplace and in life. This means seeking to understand the reasons for people’s views and choices if you don’t agree, and having an open mind to learn that differences, can add value.

It also means becoming an ally and active bystander, speaking up when you see discriminatory behaviour or inequalities in your place of work. Please take the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion three part course and quiz under ‘Global Citizenship’ within the Personal Best app to learn more.


As citizens of the world, we need to be mindful that the work we do and the organisations we work for do not negatively impact the planet and other people both now and in the future. As an employee, it is important therefore to have an understanding of global events and issues and be mindful of ways you and your organisation could help tackle these. For example, the use of plastic and the negative impact it has on the planet and wildlife.