Innovators and explorers

We know you. From an early age you've taken things apart to see how they work (and probably put them back together as something even better). You're one who likes to tinker, or who looks at things through microscopes or telescopes. Maybe you're a daydreamer who fills up pages with detailed doodles of incredible inventions. Either way, you have the best ideas!

You'll be in great company at 新澳门彩历史开奖记录 because our staff and students are innovators too. Across all kinds of subject areas, from Artists and Architects, Chemists and Chemical Engineers, to Materials Scientists and Mechanical Engineers, the University is a hotbed of innovation. We'd love to help you turn your ideas into reality!

What subject is right for you?

There are so many ways to be innovative, it's hard to know where to start. Perhaps you have ideas for innovative products. If so, look at our courses in Product Design and Technology or Product Design Engineering. Maybe you see yourself on the cutting-edge of computing and artificial intelligence. In which case, check out our range of courses in Computer Science.

Investigate our courses in Physics if you're interested in the underpinning science behind all the major transformative technologies that shape the modern world. Consider how a degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering could set you on the path to create new medicines or transform energy and materials into new products.

These are just a few examples, of course. Ultimately, we want you to be inspired by a learning environment that has innovation at its core!